How is pseudomembranous colitis treated?

How is pseudomembranous colitis treated?

Answer: Discontinue offending drug and start metronidazole or vancomycin. Both suppress C. difficile and allow normal flora to return.

What commonly causes pseudomembranous colitis?

What commonly causes pseudomembranous colitis?

Answer: Usage of broad-spectrum antibiotic treatment (eg, clindamycin or ampicillin) results in suppression of normal GI flora and proliferation of C. difficile. Clostridium difficile is usually acquired from the hospital environment.

How is botulism treated?

How is botulism treated?

Answer: Classic botulism can be treated with respiratory care and antitoxin; as for infant botulism, infants typically recover spontaneously with supportive care.

CLOSTRIDIUM DIFFICILE Name the most common disease associated with Clostridium difficile:

Pseudomembranous colitis

What are the symptoms of classic botulism?

What are the symptoms of classic botulism?

Answer: Cranial paralysis, including diplopia, ptosis, dysphagia, symmetric, descending motor paralysis, and death due to respiratory failure


BAFfles nerves (Botulism, Ach, Flaccid paralysis)

What usually causes infant botulism? What are its associated symptoms?

What usually causes infant botulism? What are its associated symptoms?

Answer: Results from infant ingestion of contaminated honey leading to lethargy, and decreased muscle tone, floppy baby syndrome; most common type of botulism in the United States